Statuette «The FC CSKA Trophy»
Artnumber: 1601019- Not chosen
- Shopping bag 35*40 PFC CSKA - 590.00 руб.
- Paper bag PFC CSKA (kraft) - 25.00 руб.
The memorial statue «The PFC CSKA Trophy» Warning! Discounts on VIP souvenirs do not apply! P> The use of a promo code for a category of goods will be canceled manager in the assembly order. FONT> p>
famous European sculptor Frank Meisler at its own initiative and with the permission of the Club made an exclusive sculptural composition dedicated to CSKA Moscow.
The sculpture is made of a solid alloy of tin and lead coated with a layer of silver and gold.
Medallion CSKA Moscow, located on the soccer ball, covered with gold and enamel.
2 stone lapis lazuli are located on the reverse side.
base composition is made of dark green Italian marble on 4 gilded pillars.
composition released a limited edition - 100 pieces of "small" (height 26 cm.) and 100 pieces of "large" (height 34 cm.)
cost "a little." - 130,000 rubles, p > p>
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- МОЗАИКА ТРЦ (Москва, 7-я Кожуховская, 9, ТРЦ Мозаика, этаж 3 (рядом с магазином Спортмастер)) Phone: +79260268043 Business hours: с 10 до 22 без выходных in stock: 1
- СТАДИОН (г. Москва, ул. 3-я Песчаная, 2а) Phone: 8 (499) 455-19-36 Business hours: с 10.00 до 20.00 без выходных in stock: 1