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Trousers children's CARGO KAMO
Artnumber: CSK17084
3 690 rub.
1 845 rub.
(Savings - 1 845 rub.)
Not chosen
- Not chosen
- Shopping bag 35*40 PFC CSKA - 690.00 руб.
- Paper bag PFC CSKA (kraft) - 30.00 руб.
DescriptionReviewsGuarantee and refundFeedback
Children’s cargo pants with a straight cut have two capacious side pockets, mortise pockets at the front and two sewn pockets at the back. Trousers are made of the highest quality cotton and, with proper care, will not lose their original appearance for many years. A distinctive feature of such trousers is a large number of large pockets that can be sewn on any place.
Тип одежды: Брюки
Пол: Унисекс
Возраст: Детская
Цвет: зеленый
Страна: Китай
Состав материала: 100% хлопок
Стиль одежды: Повседневный
Сезон: Всесезон
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МОЗАИКА ТРЦ (Москва, 7-я Кожуховская, 9, ТРЦ Мозаика, этаж 3 (рядом с магазином Спортмастер))
Phone: +79260268043
Business hours: с 10 до 22 без выходных
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128 134 140 146 152 2 2 2 2 1 -
СТАДИОН (г. Москва, ул. 3-я Песчаная, 2а)
Phone: 8 (499) 455-19-36
Business hours: с 10.00 до 20.00 без выходных
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128 134 140 146 152 4 3 3 3 1
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