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Керамическая кружка "Моменты истории"
Artnumber: 16661003
490 rub.
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- Not chosen
- Paper bag PFC CSKA (kraft) - 30.00 руб.
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An original idea for gifts to numerous friends and relatives who are happy to cheer together for their favorite football team. The history of glory, victories and successes of CSKA unfolds on the circle. The design uses photographs depicting legendary moments of the club's history: the organization of the sports community in 1900, football players who played in the 20s of the last century, Sadyrin and his "golden" squad, victories in the RPL, Russian and UEFA cups.
Страна: Россия
Состав материала: Керамика
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- ВЭБ Арена (г. Москва, ул. 3-я Песчаная, 2а) Phone: +7 (499) 455-19-36 Business hours: С 10.00 до 20.00 (без выходных) in stock: 8
- ТРЦ «Мозаика» (г. Москва, 7-я Кожуховская, 9, этаж 3 (рядом с магазином "Спортмастер")) Phone: +7 (926) 026-80-43 Business hours: С 10.00 до 22.00 (без выходных) in stock: 9
- ТЦ «Старт» (г. Москва, Ленинградский проспект, дом 37Б, второй этаж, павильон 118А) Phone: +7 (495) 510-58-64 Business hours: С 10.00 до 20.00 (без выходных) in stock: 9
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