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Black Insulated Parka
Artnumber: 101697.100
9 599 rub.
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- Shopping bag 35*40 PFC CSKA - 690.00 руб.
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"This warm quilted jacket with an embroidered logo is well suited for cold weather.¶Polyester insulation will keep you warm and cozy. The cuffs fit snugly around the arms to avoid cold air from slipping through.¶The longer cut provides superior protection from harsh weather. Zip fastening and flap on buttons guarantee you will not suffer from cold air.¶The recommended temperature is -15 Celcius (59 Fahrenheit). Improve your cold resistance even higher by wearing warm clothing under the jacket. "
Страна: Китай
Состав материала: наружность 100% нейлон, подскладка 100% нейлон, наполнение 100% полиэстер
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