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Mask Mario Fernandez
Artnumber: 1660008
290 rub.
145 rub.
(Savings - 145 rub.)
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Cardboard Mask " Mario Fernandez ". P>
The masks are made of high quality cardboard. Print masks takes place on the most modern equipment. Each mask has an elastic band for the head and the individual package that protects it from moisture and dust. P>
The mask will be a good creative gift for every fan of red and blue. We made 11 masks the players CSKA Moscow, so you have an opportunity to invite to his home the entire first team p>
Production:.. Russia p>
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- ВЭБ Арена (г. Москва, ул. 3-я Песчаная, 2а) Phone: +7 (499) 455-19-36 Business hours: С 10.00 до 20.00 (без выходных) in stock: 0
- ТРЦ «Мозаика» (г. Москва, 7-я Кожуховская, 9, этаж 3 (рядом с магазином "Спортмастер")) Phone: +7 (926) 026-80-43 Business hours: С 10.00 до 22.00 (без выходных) in stock: 0
- ТЦ «Старт» (г. Москва, Ленинградский проспект, дом 37Б, второй этаж, павильон 118А) Phone: +7 (495) 510-58-64 Business hours: С 10.00 до 20.00 (без выходных) in stock: 0
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