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Nominal clip case for Samsung "Visiting form
1 490 rub.
- Galaxy A14
- Galaxy A24
- Galaxy A32
- Galaxy A34
- Galaxy A52
- Galaxy A53
- Galaxy A54
- Galaxy S20 FE
- Galaxy S21 FE
- Galaxy S22
- Galaxy S22 Ultra
- Galaxy S22+
- Galaxy S23
- Galaxy S23+
- Galaxy S23 Ultra
- Galaxy S24
- Galaxy S24+
- Galaxy S24 Ultra
- Galaxy S25
- Galaxy S25+
- Galaxy S25 Ultra
- Galaxy А55
- -
Not chosen
- Not chosen
- Paper bag PFC CSKA (kraft) - 30.00 руб.
Your version
Name 0 р.
Number 0 р.
12 characters
at most
at most
Number, up to
2 characters
2 characters
DescriptionReviewsGuarantee and refundFeedback
"Silicone case for Galaxy with personification.¶Nominal cover Football form "CSKA" guestbook with your name and number.¶To order a case, enter the desired name and number in the field above, select the phone model and add the case to the basket. The maximum number of characters is 12.¶Covers are made to order. And require 100% prepayment. Production time 10 working days. "
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