About football with PFC CSKA. Draw it. Color it. Solve it. More than 100 stickers from PFC CSKA
Artnumber: 16350012Availability in shops

About football with PFC CSKA. Draw it. Color it. Solve it. More than 100 stickers from PFC CSKA
Artnumber: 16350012- Not chosen
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"The illustrated football encyclopedia for the whole family from the club CSKA is a gift for the fans of the club.
It will be interesting to those who are just acquainted with the world of football, and fans with experience. Those who are sure that they know everything about our game and team (well, tell me, does Igor Akinfeev like to play in what color sweater?), And precisely to those who are familiar with the surface.
Those who watch matches from the podium, and those who are watching from the podium.
Boys - to get to know the game better, girls - to get to know the boys better.
Dads - to keep up with children
and moms - to better understand dad.
In a word, to everyone who loves football, and to those who love those who love football! Our " Football Encyclopedia CSKA " will decorate the library of any sports family. We guarantee!
Edition: 05/30/2018
Binding: hard (197x255)
Pages: 160
Limit: 12+ "
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- МОЗАИКА ТРЦ (Москва, 7-я Кожуховская, 9, ТРЦ Мозаика, этаж 3 (рядом с магазином Спортмастер)) Phone: +79260268043 Business hours: с 10 до 22 без выходных in stock: 0
- СТАДИОН (г. Москва, ул. 3-я Песчаная, 2а) Phone: 8 (499) 455-19-36 Business hours: с 10.00 до 20.00 без выходных in stock: 0